2021.01.04 18:19Nation

コロナ直撃、国際線95.5%減 年末年始、国内線も半減―航空各社

 国内線は、新型コロナの感染再拡大や政府の観光支援事業「Go To トラベル」の全国一斉停止が影響した。全日空によると、トラベル事業の停止が発表された昨年12月14日の直後の10日間で、予約数は計約25万人分減ったという。同社の年末年始の利用客数は約62万5000人だった。

2021.01.04 18:19Nation

Holiday Passenger Traffic Dives at Japanese Airlines

The number of passengers on international flights operated by Japanese carriers during the year-end and New Year's holiday period plunged 95.5 pct from a year before amid the novel coronavirus pandemic, data from the firms showed Monday.
   The international passenger traffic stood at some 32,000 between Dec. 25 and Sunday. Demand faltered due to entry restrictions introduced in many countries amid the virus crisis.
   All Nippon Airways said that the number of seats offered on and the seat occupancy rate for its international flights during the holiday period both stood at about 20 pct of the levels a year before. The carrier had only 16,000 passengers, the lowest since comparable data became available in 1995.
   At Japan Airlines , the seat occupancy rate for international flights stood at 21.1 pct.
   The number of passengers on domestic flights offered by Japanese airlines during the period dropped 57.3 pct to about 1.46 million, affected partly by the nationwide suspension from Dec. 28 of the government's Go To Travel campaign due to the epidemic.


