2020.12.15 12:39Nation

赤羽国交相、GoTo補償50% 全国一斉停止で事業者へ

 政府の観光支援事業「Go To トラベル」に関し、赤羽一嘉国土交通相は15日の記者会見で、28日から始まる全国一斉停止でキャンセルを受けた旅行・宿泊事業者に対し、旅行代金の50%を補償すると明らかにした。年末年始は予約が多く、事業者への影響が大きいことから手厚く支援する。加藤勝信官房長官も記者会見で「国が50%補填(ほてん)する」と説明した。

2020.12.15 12:39Nation

Govt to Cover Half of Go To Travel Fees over Nationwide Halt

The Japanese government will compensate businesses for damage from trip cancellations made due to the nationwide suspension of its Go To Travel subsidy program during the year-end and New Year period by paying 50 pct of travel charges, tourism minister Kazuyoshi Akaba said Tuesday.
   The government will provide strong support as the tourism industry will surely be hit hard by cancellations of trips for the usually busy holiday season, following its abrupt announcement Monday to temporarily halt the campaign across the country amid a recent surge in new coronavirus infection cases.
   Specifically, the compensation will be paid for cancellations of trips booked for during the all-out campaign suspension period between Dec. 28 and Jan. 11.
   Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato also confirmed at a press conference the same day that the government will cover half of the travel charges.
   "As the year-end and New Year holiday period is the busiest season, the government hopes to help reduce the burdens on businesses" through the compensation, Akaba said at a separate press conference.


