旅行業界「また書き入れ時に」 GoTo停止に悲鳴―新型コロナ
政府が年末年始に観光支援策「Go To トラベル」を一斉停止することを決め、旅行業界からはキャンセル拡大などを懸念する声が相次いだ。旅行大手関係者からは「また書き入れ時を直撃した。どれくらい予約が落ちるのか」と悲鳴が上がり、8月のお盆に続く需要期を襲った新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を嘆いた。
Go To Travel Halt Seen Hitting Tourism Industry Hard
The Japanese government's decision Monday to suspend its Go To Travel tourism subsidy program across the country during the year-end and New Year holiday period sent shock waves through the tourism industry, which had already been battered by the novel coronavirus epidemic.
Cancellations of travel reservations are expected to rise following the government's decision, which came amid a surge in COVID-19 infections in Japan.
The coronavirus "has hit the busy season again," an official at a major travel agency said. "I wonder how much reservations will go down." The virus also hit the industry hard during the "Bon" summer holiday season in August, another high-demand period.
The negative impact of the suspension of the Go To Travel campaign on Japan's economy is estimated at 83 billion yen, according to Toshihiro Nagahama, chief economist at Dai-ichi Life Research Institute Inc.
The suspension "is like rubbing salt in the wounds of the already battered hotel industry," Nagahama said.