2020.12.14 18:11Nation

死ぬまでに長時間 香川の鳥インフル特徴―農研機構


2020.12.14 18:11Nation

Virus in Ongoing Bird Flu Epidemic Causes Slower Deaths: Study

A virus in the ongoing avian influenza epidemic in western Japan takes longer to kill chickens than a virus in a past epidemic did, a study by a government-backed institute suggested Monday.
   The National Agriculture and Food Research Organization isolated a virus from chickens at a farm in Kagawa Prefecture where the country's first bird flu case since January 2018 was detected on Nov. 5 this year.
   The virus was injected into five chickens, one of which died in four days, followed by the other four two days later, according to the institute.
   In a past experiment, all chickens died within two days after being injected with a virus from the 2004 outbreak in Yamaguchi Prefecture.
   The ongoing epidemic has hit a total of 10 prefectures.


