2020.12.04 20:31Nation

臨時国会が事実上閉幕 疑惑解明持ち越し


2020.12.04 20:31Nation

Japan Diet Session Ends without Progress over Scandals

An extraordinary session of the Diet, Japan's parliament, has ended with little progress made over controversial issues, including one related to dinner parties held by a group of supporters of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
   The largest opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and other opposition parties aim to focus on the matters in off-session debates and next year's regular Diet session, to be convened in January. The extraordinary session effectively ended on Friday, a day before its official closure.
   On Friday, four opposition parties--the CDP, the Japanese Communist Party, the Democratic Party for the People and the Social Democratic Party--requested Tadamori Oshima, speaker of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the Diet, to extend the extraordinary session until Dec. 28, underscoring the need to continue debates over the issues.
   But the opposition proposal was rejected at a meeting of the Lower House steering committee later in the day, with a majority of its members, including those from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, and its coalition partner, Komeito, voting against it.
   The Diet affairs chiefs of the LDP and the CDP for the Lower House and the House of Councillors, the upper chamber, met later on Friday, agreeing to hold off-session discussions on issues regarding the novel coronavirus at the health, labor and welfare committees on Wednesday and Thursday and at the cabinet committees on Dec. 16-17.


