2020.12.04 20:38Nation

コロナ臨時交付金1.5兆円 環境投資に2兆円基金―菅首相


2020.12.04 20:38Nation

Suga Eyes Insurance Coverage for Fertility Therapy from FY 2022

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga expressed his eagerness on Friday to start public insurance coverage for fertility treatment, including for men, in fiscal 2022.
   Suga was speaking at a press conference after an extraordinary session of the Diet, the country's parliament, ended substantially the same day. The press conference was his first since his inaugural one, on Sept. 16.
   The prime minister also indicated that the government will include a budget of over 1 trillion yen for digitalization-related measures in a planned additional stimulus package.
   In response to the spread of the novel coronavirus, Suga unveiled a plan to secure 1.5 trillion yen for emergency regional revitalization subsidies to support restaurants and others complying with requests to shorten their opening hours.
   He also said the government is willing to make necessary revisions swiftly to the special law on tackling the coronavirus epidemic.


