2020.12.04 16:08Nation

携帯値下げ、広がりに期待 ドコモ新プラン受け武田総務相


2020.12.04 16:08Nation

Minister Voices Hope for Spread of Mobile Fee Reduction

Japanese communications minister Ryota Takeda voiced on Friday his hopes that moves to reduce smartphone plan fees will spread even further.
   Speaking at a press conference, Takeda welcomed NTT Docomo Inc.'s new low-cost plan, called ahamo, which will begin in March next year.
   The new plan "will serve as a major opportunity to induce competition in the market," he said.
   "With rival companies watching the news closely, we hope that they operate their businesses adequately on the basis of their own business judgments," he added, voicing hopes that moves to reduce such fees will spread to the other mobile phone carriers KDDI Corp. and SoftBank Corp. .
   NTT Docomo announced that it will release a new 20-gigabyte smartphone plan at 2,980 yen per month. The ahamo plan will be over 4,000 yen cheaper than NTT Docomo's current 30GB plan costing 7,150 yen a month.


