2020.12.04 11:37Nation

GoToトラベル延長表明 来年6月まで、割引下げ検討―赤羽国交相

 赤羽一嘉国土交通相は4日の閣議後記者会見で、観光支援事業「Go To トラベル」について、来年6月末までを基本に延長する意向を正式に表明した。旅行代金の割引率を段階的に引き下げ、事業終了後の観光需要の落ち込みを緩やかにすることも検討する。近くまとめる政府の経済対策に盛り込む。(2020/12/04-11:37)

2020.12.04 11:37Nation

Japan Announces Go To Travel Extension until End-June 2021

The Japanese government will extend its Go To Travel tourism promotion program until the end of June 2021, tourism minister Kazuyoshi Akaba said Friday.
   Currently, the state-funded travel cost discount program is set to expire around the end of next January next year.
   The government will also consider reducing the discounts in stages toward the end of the program to slow the expected fall in tourism demand, according to Akaba.
   It plans to include the extension of the program in a stimulus package to be drawn up soon.
   "We want to advance discussions on details of the extension on the premise that thorough coronavirus prevention measures will be in place," Akaba told a press conference.


