2020.12.03 17:20Nation

通常国会、1月18日召集 早期の予算成立目指す―政府・与党


2020.12.03 17:20Nation

Diet Seen Starting 2021 Ordinary Session on Jan. 18

The government and the ruling parties have decided to start next year's ordinary session of the Diet, Japan's parliament, on Jan. 18, informed sources said Thursday.
   The government will aim for a third supplementary budget for fiscal 2020 to be enacted within January and a fiscal 2021 budget to be approved by the end of fiscal 2020. The extra budget will include funds for additional stimulus measures to shore up the economy hit by the COVID-19 epidemic.
   Four key government speeches including by Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga are seen set for Jan. 18, and subsequent question-and-answer sessions for Jan. 20-22.
   Deliberations on the supplementary budget are expected to start at a House of Representatives Budget Committee meeting on Jan. 25.
   Meanwhile, the opposition camp is poised to question the government over scandals involving former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and former farm minister Takamori Yoshikawa.


