2020.12.03 16:03Nation

GoToトラベル、来年6月まで 観光業界支援へ延長―政府

 政府が観光支援事業「Go To トラベル」の実施期間を来年6月まで延長する方向で調整していることが3日、分かった。当初は来年1月末を期限としていた。新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大で打撃を受ける観光業界への支援を継続する必要があると判断した。

2020.12.03 16:03Nation

Japan to Extend Go To Travel until June 2021

The Japanese government is considering extending its Go To Travel tourism promotion program until June next year, informed sources said Thursday.
   The government thinks that the tourism industry, hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, needs continued support, the sources said. The program is currently set to end at the end of January next year.
   The government is planning to include the extension of the program in a stimulus package it will draw up soon, the sources said.
   The ruling coalition had called for keeping the program in place until next year's Golden Week holiday period in late April and early May.
   The government is considering extending the program, based on strong demand from the ruling camp and people in various places, Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato told a news conference.


