2020.12.02 22:20Nation

東京都、「GoTo自粛要請」正式決定 高齢者ら対象、都民割も―新型コロナ

 東京都は2日夜、新型コロナウイルス感染症対策本部会議を開き、政府の観光支援事業「Go To トラベル」の都内発着分をめぐり、重症化リスクの高い65歳以上の高齢者と基礎疾患がある人への利用自粛要請を正式決定した。期間は今月17日まで。都が独自に実施している都民の都内旅行に対する補助事業も、高齢者らの利用自粛を求める。

2020.12.02 22:20Nation

Tokyo Formalizes Request for Go To Travel Restraint

The Tokyo metropolitan government formalized a plan Wednesday to ask people aged 65 or older and those with underlying health conditions to refrain from making trips to and from the capital using the central government's Go To Travel tourism promotion program.
   The request for restraint is part of an effort to contain the coronavirus pandemic and will be in place until Dec. 17.
   Reservations can be canceled free of charge in a period until Dec. 13, central government officials said at a meeting of the metropolitan government's coronavirus response task force.
   The central government will provide travel agencies and hotel operators with compensation equivalent to 35 pct of the costs of trips canceled, the officials said.
   The metropolitan government will also call on elderly residents to refrain from making trips in the capital using its own subsidy program.


