2020.12.02 12:26Nation

遺族「疑問のみが強くなる」 笹子トンネル事故から8年―山梨


2020.12.02 12:26Nation

Victims Remembered on 8th Anniv. of Sasago Tunnel Collapse

Bereaved family members and others mourned the nine victims of the 2012 Sasago Tunnel ceiling collapse in the eastern Japan prefecture of Yamanashi on Wednesday, the eighth anniversary of the tragedy.
   They offered silent prayers for the victims near the tunnel at 8:03 a.m. (11:03 p.m. Tuesday GMT), the time of the collapse.
   "Eight years have passed but my doubts over why (the accident occurred) only keep growing," a bereaved family member said.
   A memorial ceremony for the victims was held later in the day in the city of Otsuki in Yamanashi by Central Nippon Expressway Co., or NEXCO Central, which manages the Sasago Tunnel on the Chuo Expressway.
   "With deep regret and strong determination not to cause any more accidents like this, we'll take further measures to ensure safety," NEXCO Central President Yoshihito Miyaike said.


