2020.12.02 06:39Nation

独少女像、展示継続へ 修正し恒常設置も―区議会決議


2020.12.02 06:39Nation

Comfort Women Statue to Remain on Display in Berlin

The assembly of the central Berlin district of Mitte on Tuesday voted for the continued display of a statue symbolizing so-called wartime comfort women.
   A resolution calling for the statue to be kept on display was adopted by a vote of 24 to 5 at the day's meeting of the Mitte assembly.
   The Mitte district government earlier this year revoked its permission for the installation of the statue, which was built by a pro-South Korean civic group in Germany to protest Japan over the issue of Korean women who were forced into prostitution for Japanese troops before and during World War II. Following the vote, however, the local authorities are expected to reverse course and approve the monument.
   The resolution said that the statue will help spark discussions about wartime sexual violence, citing a statement issued in 1993 by then Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono. In the statement, the Japanese government offered an apology over the issue of comfort women.
   While the Mitte government initially allowed the statue to be on display for one year, the resolution said that a solution should be sought to realize a permanent display of the monument.


