2020.12.01 15:51Nation

流行語大賞は「3密」 コロナ関連入選多く―「鬼滅」「あつ森」も

 トップテンには他にもコロナ関連の新語・造語が入選。政府が全世帯に配布した布マスクをやゆした「アベノマスク」、疫病を治めるとされる妖怪「アマビエ」、落ち込んだ経済の回復を狙った消費促進策「Go To キャンペーン」が入った。
 外出自粛に伴う巣ごもり需要の高まりを受け、世界的にヒットした任天堂のゲームソフト「あつ森(あつまれ どうぶつの森)」、動画配信され韓流ブーム再燃のきっかけとなったドラマ「愛の不時着」も選ばれた。

2020.12.01 15:51Nation

"Sanmitsu," or 3Cs, Named 2020 Top Buzzword in Japan

"Sanmitsu," a watchword referring to the three Cs of closed, crowded and close-contact settings that became a mantra in Japan's fight against the novel coronavirus, was named the 2020 top buzzword in the country Tuesday.
   The list of top 10 buzzwords also included "Abenomask," a term used mockingly to refer to the cloth masks distributed to all households in the country by the government of then Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as part of the fight against the epidemic.
   "Amabie," a mythical monster believed to have the power to ward off plagues, and the government's Go To Campaign consumption-boosting programs aimed at revitalizing the virus-hit economy also made the top 10.
   Also on the list was "Kimetsu no Yaiba," the Japanese title of the popular manga series "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba." Total box-office revenue from "Demon Slayer: Mugen Train," a movie from the series, has risen to second place in Japan's all-time cinema revenue rankings.
   The list included "Atsumori," or "Atsumare Dobutsu no Mori," a global blockbuster game released by Nintendo Co. that became popular amid the need for self-quarantining. The English title of the game is "Animal Crossing: New Horizons."


