2020.12.01 18:56Nation

国民投票法、来年成立の公算 自・立幹事長「通常国会で結論」


2020.12.01 18:56Nation

Diet Likely to Pass Referendum Law Reform Next Year

The Diet, Japan's parliament, is likely to pass the proposed revision of the national referendum law during an ordinary session next year after over two years of talks.
   Toshihiro Nikai, secretary-general of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, and Tetsuro Fukuyama, his counterpart from the largest opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, Tuesday agreed to reach a conclusion on the reform during the ordinary Diet session expected to be convened in January.
   The reform is designed to make it easier for voters to cast their ballots in national referendums on constitutional amendments. The ruling coalition intends to put it to a vote during the ordinary session.
   Reform measures under the bill to revise the national referendum law include setting up polling stations at train stations and commercial facilities, making voting hours flexible and allowing voters to bring children aged under 18 to polling places with them.
   The bill was introduced to the Diet in June 2018 mainly by the ruling bloc, but has faced the opposition camp's reluctance to deliberate it.


