2020.12.01 13:32Nation

4割が年収300万円未満 無職、非正規雇用増加―原発避難者700人調査・関学大


2020.12.01 13:32Nation

40 Pct of Fukushima N-Disaster Evacuees Live on Low Incomes

Nearly 40 pct of people who evacuated from the northeastern prefecture of Fukushima and surrounding areas after the March 2011 nuclear disaster currently live on annual incomes of less than 3 million yen, a recent survey by a western Japan university has found.
   The survey, conducted by Kwansei Gakuin University's Institute of Disaster Area Revitalization, Regrowth and Governance, also showed a growing percentage of unemployed people and those in nonregular employment among the roughly 700 evacuees who responded.
   Ahead of the 10th anniversary of the nuclear accident at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s Fukushima No. 1 power plant caused by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, the institute, based in the western Japan city of Nishinomiya, Hyogo Prefecture, distributed survey sheets to 4,876 evacuees in July-September through a support group, asking about their current lives.
   A total of 694 evacuees responded, of whom 276 were men, 411 women and seven unknown.
   Of the total, 522 were from Fukushima and the rest were from other areas in eastern Japan, such as Tokyo and Chiba Prefecture. Some 60 pct evacuated voluntarily.


