2020.12.01 06:11Nation

菅氏は「輝きのない首相」 独紙が批判的論評

 記事は、菅氏が二酸化炭素(CO2)排出量を2050年までに実質ゼロにする目標を表明した際には輝いたが、「それ以外には何があるだろうか」と指摘。日本学術会議会員候補の任命拒否問題でつまずき、観光支援事業「Go To トラベル」では国民から疑問の声が出ているとした。

2020.12.01 06:11Nation

German Paper Calls Suga PM Who Does Not Want to Shine

A German newspaper ran a story critical of Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga in its Monday edition, saying that he apparently does not want to shine.
   Suga, who took office in September, seems to have no ambition other than to continue the conservative policies of his predecessor, Shinzo Abe, the Suddeutsche Zeitung said.
   The paper said that Suga shined when he announced the goal of reducing Japan's greenhouse gas emissions effectively to zero by 2050, in his first policy speech in the Diet, Japan's parliament, in late October. But the paper indicated that he did not have anything other than that.
   Suga made a bad start as prime minister, the newspaper said, citing his refusal to appoint some nominees to the state-funded Science Council of Japan. It also said that his government is facing criticism over the Go To Travel campaign, designed to stimulate tourism demand, which has been dampened by the novel coronavirus crisis.
   On Suga's recent telephone talks with U.S. President-elect Joe Biden in which the Japanese leader sought Washington's cooperation to resolve the issue of Japanese nationals abducted to North Korea decades ago, the paper said that it is a low-priority issue compared with such global problems as climate change, international conflicts and the coronavirus pandemic.


