2020.11.30 19:07Nation

自民「GoTo、大型連休まで延長」 菅首相、来週早々にも経済対策

 自民党の下村博文政調会長は30日、首相官邸で菅義偉首相と会談し、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を踏まえ、追加経済対策を盛り込んだ2020年度第3次補正予算案に関する提言書を手渡した。来年1月末までの観光需要喚起策「Go To トラベル」に関し、来年のゴールデンウイーク(GW)直後まで延長することなどが柱。3次補正について、下村氏は34兆円規模とするよう求め、首相は「国民に安心してもらう補正を組む必要がある」と応じた。
 提言は、「Go To トラベル」について「来年GW直後ごろまでの需要を喚起できるよう、期限を延長すること」と明記。「Go To イート」の延長も盛り込んだ。(2020/11/30-19:07)

2020.11.30 19:07Nation

LDP Calls for Extending Go To Travel until Next Spring

Japan's Liberal Democratic Party on Monday asked the government to extend its Go To Travel program until after next year's Golden Week holiday period between late April and early May.
   The request was included in a proposal related to a planned fiscal 2020 third supplementary budget that LDP Policy Research Council Chairman Hakubun Shimomura submitted to Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga.
   The Go To Travel program, aimed at stimulating travel demand dampened by the coronavirus crisis, is currently set to end around January 2021.
   The ruling party wants the government to draw up a large-scale third extra budget worth nearly 34 trillion yen, Shimomura told Suga, bearing in mind a Cabinet Office estimate of the country's output gap.
   Suga underlined the need to compile a supplementary budget in order to ease the public's anxiety.


