2020.11.30 10:04Nation

コロナ対策費は1000億円程度 東京五輪・パラリンピック


2020.11.30 10:04Nation

100 B. Yen Seen for Coronavirus Measures for Tokyo Games

Expenses for measures to be taken against the novel coronavirus during the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games next summer are expected to reach the scale of around 100 billion yen as of now, it was learned Monday.
   Separately, the games' organizing committee estimates the additional costs resulting from the postponement of the events, initially scheduled this summer, at about 200 billion yen.
   The Japanese government, the Tokyo metropolitan government and the organizing committee started in September talks on coronavirus measures for the Tokyo Games, with the state leading the discussions. A liaison committee among them is expected to compile an interim report on the matter in early December, informed sources said.
   The details and costs of the measures could vary, however, depending on the state of infections next year, which is difficult to predict, according to the sources. The central and Tokyo governments, and the committee plan to determine next spring whether to set limits on the number of spectators at competition venues.
   The ratio of additional costs to be borne by the state, Tokyo and the committee is slated to be decided by the end of this year.


