2020.11.29 11:29Nation

GoToクーポン詐取容疑 宿泊無断キャンセル、男逮捕―警視庁

 政府の観光支援策「Go To トラベル」キャンペーンで、旅先での買い物などに使える「地域共通クーポン」を不正に取得したとして、警視庁捜査2課は29日までに、電子計算機使用詐欺容疑で神奈川県藤沢市川名、職業不詳相田卓也容疑者(30)を逮捕した。容疑を認めているという。同クーポンをめぐる摘発は全国で初めて。

2020.11.29 11:29Nation

Man Nabbed for Improper Acquisition of Go To Travel Coupons

Tokyo police have arrested a 30-year-old man on suspicion of illegally acquiring shopping coupons distributed under the Go To Travel government-subsidized tourism promotion campaign.
   The suspect, Takuya Aida, a resident of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, has admitted to the charges.
   It is the first time that an alleged improper acquisition of Go To Travel coupons has been detected by the police.
   The campaign is designed to spur tourism spending amid the coronavirus crisis, discounting 35 pct of the travel costs and distributing paper or electronic coupons valued at 15 pct of the costs that can be used in travel destinations.
   Aida, arrested on suspicion of fraud in use of electronic computers, allegedly defrauded such coupons worth some 540,000 yen in electronic form by making reservations for five stays at four different hotels in Tokyo through a travel agency website in early October, even though he had no plan to actually stay at those hotels.


