2020.11.28 13:03Nation

病床使用率、40都道府県で悪化 重症者用、東京50%・大阪49%―新型コロナ


2020.11.28 13:03Nation

COVID-19 Bed Occupancy Rises in 40 of Japan's 47 Prefectures

The occupancy of hospital beds for coronavirus patients as of Wednesday rose from a week earlier in 40 of Japan's 47 prefectures, with some medical care systems in the country put on the verge of collapsing, according to the health ministry.
   In 15 prefectures, the bed occupancy rate topped 25 pct, which means that the infection situation there has entered the Stage 3 phase, the second-worst level on Japan's four-tier scale gauging the degree of spread of COVID-19.
   "Front-line medical workers are placed under increasing pressure," an expert said. "The situation is extremely severe."
   An expert panel of the health ministry said that some parts of the northernmost prefecture of Hokkaido, the Tokyo metropolitan area, the Kansai western region and the Chubu central region started facing difficulties in keeping balance between treating coronavirus patients and providing regular medical services.
   "If the current situation continues, it will become impossible to save lives that could have otherwise been saved," the panel warned.


