2020.11.27 20:36Nation

札幌・大阪出発停止を容認 GoToトラベル―2知事

 国の観光支援策「Go To トラベル」で、北海道の鈴木直道知事は27日、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大を受け、札幌市出発分の旅行予約停止をキャンセル料支援などの条件付きで容認すると表明した。大阪府の吉村洋文知事も大阪市出発分の「トラベル」利用自粛を求めた。

2020.11.27 20:36Nation

Governors OK Go To Travel Halt to Trips from Sapporo, Osaka

Hokkaido Governor Naomichi Suzuki said Friday that his government will conditionally accept the suspension of the central government's Go To Travel tourism promotion campaign for trips from Sapporo, the capital of the northernmost Japan prefecture.
   Elsewhere, Osaka Governor Hirofumi Yoshimura called for residents to refrain from using the campaign for trips from the city of Osaka, the capital of the western prefecture.
   Suzuki said that his government will permit a halt to the campaign for trips from Sapporo if the central government shoulders cancellation charges and takes other remedial action.
   The central government has already excluded trips to the two cities from the Go To Travel campaign starting Tuesday through Dec. 15 due to a surge in coronavirus cases.
   An advisory panel to the central government has called for a halt to trips from the two cities as well.


