2020.11.26 20:17Nation

不妊助成、2回目以降も30万円 1人当たり6回まで―厚労省検討


2020.11.26 20:17Nation

Japan Eyes Fertility Care Aid Hike for 2nd, Later Sessions

Japan's health ministry is considering raising its subsidies for fertility treatment to 300,000 yen for second and later sessions, on top of a hike envisaged for the first round of treatment, it has been learned.
   The ministry also plans to allow each couple undergoing fertility treatment to receive the aid for up to six sessions for each child, sources familiar with the matter said. Currently, subsidies are offered for a total of six fertility treatment sessions per recipient couple, regardless of how many children they would have.
   Hoping to include the greater aid in the government's planned third supplementary budget for fiscal 2020, which ends next March, the ministry will discuss details with the Liberal Democratic Party-led ruling bloc.
   For expensive fertility treatment, such as in-vitro fertilization and microinsemination, the subsidy program now gives out 300,000 yen for the first session and 150,000 yen for the second to sixth sessions.
   The ruling camp is calling for a hike in the aid for the first-round treatment, which is especially costly, to 400,000 yen. Government-coalition talks are likely to continue in the budget compilation work.


