2020.11.26 05:19Nation

4割超が年末賞与引き下げ 医療機関「夏より悪化」―新型コロナで・労組調査


2020.11.26 05:19Nation

Over 40 Pct of Japan Hospitals Cut Year-End Bonuses: Survey

Over 40 pct of medical institutions in Japan lowered their year-end bonuses for nurses and other staff members, due to the effects of the novel coronavirus pandemic, a survey by the Japan Federation of Medical Worker's Unions has shown.
   According to the organization, made up of some 170,000 people working at hospitals and clinics throughout the country, over 30 pct of medical institutions had reduced their summer bonuses.
   "The situation is clearly deteriorating," Susumu Morita, general secretary of the federation, said.
   The bonus cuts are mainly due to patients avoiding regular visits to the doctor or refusing to be hospitalized, out of fear for catching the coronavirus, according to the federation.
   Earlier this month, the federation asked labor unions at medical institutions throughout the country to take part in the survey. It received answers from 298 unions by Wednesday.


