2020.11.26 04:43Nation

神経再生目指し治験 3Dプリンターで作製―京大など


2020.11.26 04:43Nation

Kyoto Univ. to Test Regeneration of Nerves with 3D Bioprinter

A team of Kyoto University and other researchers has announced that it will launch a clinical trial of the use of a 3D biological printer to regenerate nerves.
   On Wednesday, the team began to solicit patients with hand nerve deficits to participate in the trial. Nerve conduits produced by the 3D bioprinter will be transplanted to them.
   The team, led by Ryosuke Ikeguchi, associate professor at Kyoto University Hospital, will select three volunteers from among those who lost finger or other nerves in accidents in the last six months.
   The bioprinter, developed by Tokyo-based startup Cyfuse Biomedical K.K., will produce 24-millimeter-long, 2-millimeter-diameter nerve conduits by stacking in tubes cells derived from patients' skin tissues. The device has achieved good results in transplants to rats.
   The research team will see if patients regain senses in 11 months after nerve conduits are transplanted.


