2020.11.26 00:34Nation

感染拡大地域との往来自粛 尾身会長、東京23区「ステージ3」相当―コロナ分科会

 分科会の提言は、感染が拡大する各都道府県に対して「年末年始を穏やかに過ごすため、この3週間に集中して、早期に強い措置を講じる」ことを求めた。観光支援策「Go To トラベル」キャンペーンでは、感染拡大地域から出発する旅行についても一時停止を検討するよう要請した。
 尾身会長は記者会見で、「Go To トラベル」を一時停止した札幌市、大阪市に加えて、東京23区、名古屋市がステージ3に相当するとの認識を示した。

2020.11.26 00:34Nation

Japan Team Advises against Trips to, from COVID-19 Hotspots

A Japanese government team on the novel coronavirus epidemic Wednesday called for voluntary restrictions on travel to and from areas where COVID-19 cases are surging.
   The areas are those that should be rated Stage 3, the second-worst level on the four-tier system to measure the seriousness of the novel coronavirus situation, according to the government panel subgroup, led by Shigeru Omi, president of the Japan Community Health Care Organization.
   The cities of Sapporo, Osaka and Nagoya, along with Tokyo's 23 special wards, are considered to be in the Stage 3 situation, Omi told a news conference.
   Trips to and from Stage 3 areas should be avoided as much as possible, the subgroup said in its recommendations adopted at Wednesday's meeting, adding that in these areas, a business hour reduction should also be considered urgently for eating and drinking establishments serving alcohol.
   The recommendations stressed the importance of "taking powerful measures, intensively concentrating on the coming three weeks," in prefectures where the virus is raging, so that the public will be able to spend the year-end and New Year's holiday period calmly.


