2020.11.25 19:21Nation

国民投票法、今国会も成立見送りへ 26日衆院実質審議入り


2020.11.25 19:21Nation

Japan Referendum Law Revision Likely to Remain Pending

The Diet, Japan's parliament, is unlikely to pass a revision to the national referendum law related to proposed constitutional amendments before its current session ends on Dec. 5.
   The bill is expected to remain pending and be carried over to another Diet session, although the ruling Liberal Democratic Party is still seeking to enact it next week.
   On Wednesday, the LDP and the biggest opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan agreed that the Commission on the Constitution of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the Diet, will meet on Thursday to discuss the bill, without a vote taking place.
   The LDP-led ruling camp proposed putting the bill to a vote at the Lower House panel on Thursday, but the CDP and some other opposition parties took a cautious stance.
   The revision is designed to make it easier for voters to cast their ballots in referendums on constitutional amendments. It will, among other things, allow polling sites to be established at train stations and commercial facilities.


