2020.11.25 20:23Nation

安倍氏側、領収書廃棄か 宛名は資金管理団体―「桜」夕食会・東京地検


2020.11.25 20:23Nation

Abe Office May Have Discarded Dinner Party Receipts

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's office may have disposed of receipts for some of the fees for past dinner parties held for his supporters, informed sources said Wednesday.
   The receipts were addressed to Shinwakai, Abe's political fund management body, the sources said.
   The dinners were held every year between 2013 and 2019 at a Tokyo hotel on the eve of the prime minister-hosted annual cherry blossom-viewing parties.
   Shinwakai's political funding reports did not include payments for the dinner parties. The Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office is investigating whether this violates the political funds control law, the sources said.
   According to the sources, the hotel provided the Abe side with a document showing total party costs. After receiving party fees paid by dinner participants, the hotel asked the Abe side to pay the difference.


