2020.11.25 12:29Nation

加藤官房長官、尖閣・香港で懸念伝達 中国外相「相互に尊重を」


2020.11.25 12:29Nation

Tokyo Tells China's Wang of Concerns over Senkakus, Hong Kong

Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato told visiting Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday of Japan's concerns over the situations around the Japanese-administered Senkaku Islands and in Hong Kong.
   During their 30-minute meeting, the top Japanese government spokesman urged the Chinese side to take positive action on the situation around the East China Sea islets, where Chinese government ships are frequently spotted.
   Kato also said Tokyo is closely watching with concern the Hong Kong situation, in which pro-democracy legislators have recently been stripped of their status.
   Following the meeting, Wang told reporters that although there are various issues between the two neighboring countries, they should deal with the issues appropriately and in a mutually respectful manner.
   Meanwhile, Kato and Wang agreed that the two countries will cooperate in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as for the successes of next summer's Tokyo Olympics and the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing.


