2020.11.24 12:56Nation

旅行キャンセル、個人負担なし 事業者へ35%補填―札幌、大阪GoTo停止・政府

 政府は24日、観光支援事業「Go To トラベル」を一時停止する場合、新規予約分と併せて、その地域を目的地とする予約済みの旅行も割引対象から外すと明らかにした。利用者には解約料が掛からないようにする。キャンセルで影響を受ける宿泊事業者には、国が旅行代金の35%を補填(ほてん)する。一時停止の対象地域から出発する旅行は、引き続き割引対象とする方針も示した。

2020.11.24 12:56Nation

Existing Reservations to Be Cut from Go To Travel Campaign

The Japanese government said Tuesday existing accommodation reservations will be excluded from the Go To Travel government-subsidized tourism promotion campaign for destinations where coronavirus infections are spreading.
   This may prompt customers to cancel reservations, but the government will make sure that they are not charged cancellation fees. It will also pay 35 pct of the accommodation costs to hotel operators when the reservations are canceled.
   In a meeting of its coronavirus response headquarters on Saturday, the government decided to stop accepting new accommodation reservations temporarily under the Go To Travel program, for travels to areas seeing a surge in the number of infections.
   But travel from such areas will still be covered by the discount scheme, the government said Tuesday.
   Infections are spreading in the city of Sapporo in the northernmost Japan prefecture of Hokkaido and the city of Osaka, western Japan.


