2020.11.24 15:01Nation

日英EPA承認案が衆院通過 来年1月発効へ


2020.11.24 15:01Nation

Japan Lower House Passes Bill on EPA with Britain

Japan's House of Representatives voted Tuesday for a bill to ratify an economic partnership agreement for free trade with Britain.
   The bill was approved by a majority vote at a plenary meeting of the Lower House. It is expected to be enacted during the ongoing extraordinary session of parliament, after deliberations at the House of Councillors, the upper chamber.
   The government and ruling parties aim to bring the Japan-Britain EPA into force on Jan. 1, 2021.
   The bilateral agreement is basically equivalent to the EPA between Japan and the European Union.
   Britain's tariffs on Japanese vehicles will be reduced in stages and removed in February 2026 under the Japan-Britain EPA.


