2020.11.24 22:48Nation

札幌・大阪GoTo除外、来月15日まで 一部予約済み分も―解約負担なし

 政府は24日、観光支援事業「Go To トラベル」で、新型コロナウイルスの感染が拡大している札幌、大阪両市の一時除外を決定した。期間は同日から12月15日までの3週間。両市を目的地とした旅行に関し、予約済み分は12月1日出発のものまで割引対象とし、それ以降は適用外とする。利用客の解約料負担はなくし、予約をキャンセルされた事業者には政府が補償する。

2020.11.24 22:48Nation

Japan Excludes Sapporo, Osaka from Go To Travel Campaign

The Japanese government said Tuesday that trips to the cities of Sapporo and Osaka will be temporarily excluded from its Go To Travel tourism promotion campaign, effective immediately, due to a surge in coronavirus cases.
   Trips to the two cities will be barred from the discount scheme until Dec. 15.
   For existing reservations, trips whose departures are scheduled on or before Dec. 1 will be covered by the campaign, while others will be excluded. Cancellations are free of charge.
   The decision came in response to requests for a temporary exclusion by the prefectural governments of Hokkaido, which includes Sapporo, and Osaka, both of which cited a surge in infections.
   "We need to avoid further pressure on medical care systems," tourism minister Kazuyoshi Akaba said after a meeting with Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and economic revitalization minister Yasutoshi Nishimura, who leads the central government's coronavirus response.


