2020.11.24 23:55Nation

「助かる命、助けられなくなる」 コロナ急拡大に危機感―厚労省助言組織


2020.11.24 23:55Nation

Japan Advisory Team Issues Strong Warning over Coronavirus

A health ministry advisory team Tuesday issued a strong warning over the novel coronavirus, which is spreading rapidly in Tokyo and some other regions in Japan.
   "Depending on regions, we can see a rapid spread of infections," said the team, chaired by Takaji Wakita, director-general of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases.
   "If the current situation continues, the medical and public health systems will be significantly affected. We may become unable to save lives that would have been saved," the team continued.
   At a meeting Tuesday, the team put the estimated effective reproduction number, or the average number of people whom a coronavirus carrier infects, for the entire Japan at 1.30 as of Nov. 5.
   The number was almost unchanged from the estimate of 1.31 as of Nov. 1 presented at a meeting Thursday. A reading of 1.00 or higher indicates that infections are spreading.


