2020.11.25 11:59Nation

福岡で鳥インフル 9例目、香川以外で初―農水省


2020.11.25 11:59Nation

Japan's 9th Bird Flu Case This Year Found in Fukuoka

A new case of avian influenza believed to be of a highly pathogenic strain has been found at a poultry farm in Fukuoka Prefecture, southwestern Japan, the farm ministry said Wednesday.
   It is the ninth bird flu case found at a Japanese farm this year and the first at a facility in Fukuoka. All of the previous eight cases were detected at farms in Kagawa Prefecture, western Japan.
   The Fukuoka prefectural government will cull all chickens totaling about 94,000 at the farm in the city of Munakata to prevent the spread of infections.
   Poultry farms within 3 kilometers of the affected facility were told by the prefectural government not to transfer their chickens and eggs.
   Farms within 3 to 10 kilometers were instructed not to move their chickens and eggs outside the 10-kilometer zone.


