2020.11.23 17:05Nation

駐日大使に姜昌一氏 前議連会長の日本通―韓国


2020.11.23 17:05Nation

Ex-Lawmaker Kang Named New S. Korean Ambassador to Japan

South Korean President Moon Jae-in on Monday decided to name former lawmaker Kang Chang-il, an expert on issues in Japan, as new ambassador to the country, a presidential spokesperson said.
   Relations between the two Asian neighbors are said to be at their worst in the postwar period due to wartime labor and other issues, with no signs of improvement on the horizon. It seems that the Moon administration hopes to rebuild the bilateral ties through the assignment of Kang, who also has connections with many Japanese politicians, to the Tokyo post in the lead-up to next year's Tokyo Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games.
   Kang, 68, who also previously served as head of a league of South Korean lawmakers promoting relations with Japan, will succeed incumbent South Korean Ambassador to Japan Nam Gwan-pyo.
   The appointment of Kang reflects Moon's willingness to improve the bilateral relations following the launch of the government of Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga in September, an official of the South Korean presidential office said.
   Kang, who is from the southern South Korean island of Jeju, earned a Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo after graduating from Seoul National University.


