2020.11.23 17:16Nation

ステージ3相当で除外を GoToトラベルで提言―全国知事会

 全国知事会(会長・飯泉嘉門徳島県知事)は23日のテレビ会議で、政府の観光支援事業「Go To トラベル」について、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大が4段階中2番目に深刻な「ステージ3」相当となった地域は、対象から除外するよう求める提言をまとめた。除外に伴うキャンセル料は政府負担とし、利用者や事業者の混乱を回避する措置も要請した。
 政府の飲食店支援事業「Go To イート」では、食事中にマスク着用や手指の消毒を徹底する「会食エチケット」の周知を求め、利用人数の制限を地域ごとに柔軟に適用可能とするよう訴えた。政府が決定したイート事業の一時停止に関し、対象期間など具体的な内容を早急に示す必要性も強調した。

2020.11.23 17:16Nation

Japan Governors Call for Flexible Review of "Go To Travel"

Japanese prefectural governors on Monday came up with a set of proposals to the central government over the resurgence of the novel coronavirus in the country, including flexibly removing areas in the Stage 3 situation from the Go To Travel campaign.
   At the start of an online meeting of the National Governors' Association, Kamon Iizumi, head of the group and governor of the western prefecture of Tokushima, said, "With Japan likely in the midst of the third wave of infections, the central government needs to issue a strong message to the public about measures it plans to take from now and the current infection situation."
   Stage 3, which shows a rapid increase in infection cases, is the second-worst level on the four-tier scale gauging the degree of spread of the novel coronavirus.
   Over the state-backed Go To Travel campaign, which reduces travel costs using subsidies, the association also called on the central government to implement measures to help users avoid confusion, such as financial support for covering fees for canceling reservations for travel.
   As to the Go To Eat campaign, it called for making sure that users of the scheme wear face masks during dining and thoroughly disinfect their hands, as well as allowing respective local authorities to make flexible decisions to limit the number of people in each group visiting eating and drinking establishments using the program.


