2020.11.23 01:08Nation

G20、コロナワクチン公平分配 経済回復へ全ての手段―首脳宣言採択


2020.11.23 01:08Nation

G-20 Vows Fair Access to Coronavirus Vaccines

Leaders of the Group of 20 major economies have promised that fair access to novel coronavirus vaccines and drugs will be given to people around the world.
   "We will spare no effort to ensure their affordable and equitable access for all people," said a joint statement released after their two-day teleconference summit ended in the small hours of Monday Japan time.
   The G-20 leaders also expressed their determination to "continue to use all available policy tools as long as required to safeguard people's lives, jobs and incomes, (and) support the global economic recovery," the statement said.
   Regarding the postponed Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, now set for 2021, the leaders commended Japan's determination to hold the events "as a symbol of humanity's resilience and global unity in overcoming COVID-19."
   The teleconference summit, chaired by Saudi Arabia, was attended by Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, U.S. President Donald Trump, Chinese President Xi Jinping and others.


