2020.11.16 08:14Nation

菅政権、バイデン氏の北朝鮮政策注視 「拉致」糸口探る

 拉致問題担当相を兼ねる官房長官は15日、新潟市で開かれた「忘れるな拉致 県民集会」に出席。バイデン次期政権と連携して糸口を探る考えを示し、「全ての拉致被害者の一日も早い帰国を実現すべく全力を尽くす」と表明した。

2020.11.16 08:14Nation

Suga Administration Keeping Eye on Biden's N. Korea Policy

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga's administration is paying attention to the North Korea policy of Joe Biden, who is certain to have won the U.S. presidential election.
   The Suga administration is trying to resolve the issue of Japanese citizens abducted by North Korea decades ago, which is high on his agenda. But whether Tokyo can make progress on the issue depends heavily on the course of the U.S. relations with North Korea.
   Japan will convey to Biden's side its position on the abduction issue plus North Korea's missile and nuclear development programs before the U.S. presidential inauguration Jan. 20 next year, informed sources said.
   On Sunday, Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato attended a meeting of Niigata Prefecture residents in the central Japan prefecture's namesake capital and renewed the government's determination to resolve the issue in cooperation with the next U.S. administration.
   "We'll make full efforts to bring home all abductees as soon as possible," said Kato, also minister in charge of the abduction issue.


