2020.11.11 13:01Nation

川辺川ダム建設容認へ調整 7月豪雨受け―熊本県


2020.11.11 13:01Nation

Kumamoto to OK Restart of Dam Project Halted 11 Years Ago

The Kumamoto prefectural government is seen approving a restart of a local dam project halted 11 years ago, following the flooding caused by heavy rains in the southwestern Japan prefecture in July, it was learned Wednesday.
   Governor Ikuo Kabashima is expected to announce the prefecture's decision on the construction of a dam in the flood-hit Kuma River system by the end of this month after hearing opinions from experts.
   "We're considering the direction that our flood control measures should take without ruling out any option," Kabashima told reporters Wednesday.
   Leaders of municipalities around the river system demanded the cancellation of the project to build the dam on the Kawabe River, a branch of the Kuma River, citing mainly the need for environmental protection.
   Kabashima voiced his opposition in 2008. The central government, then led by the now-defunct Democratic Party of Japan, stopped the project the next year.


