2020.11.11 13:35Nation

退院後も半数が後遺症 コロナ、脱毛や物忘れも―和歌山県調査


2020.11.11 13:35Nation

Half of Coronavirus Survivors Suffer Health Problems

About half of the people discharged from hospital after being infected with the new coronavirus in Wakayama Prefecture, western Japan, have shown symptoms believed to be aftereffects of COVID-19, according to a survey by the prefectural government.
   The symptoms include hair loss and memory defect, as well as common symptoms among coronavirus patients, such as smell and taste disorder and a sense of fatigue.
   The survey was conducted between September and October, covering 216 people who had been out of hospital for two weeks or more after being hospitalized for COVID-19. Valid answers were collected from 163 of them.
   According to the survey, 75 respondents, or 46 pct of the total, said they have some sort of symptoms appeared to be aftereffects of the respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus.
   With multiple answers allowed, 30 people said they have problems with their sense of smell, while 26 said they feel fatigue. Also, 20 respondents had problems with their sense of taste, and the same number were experiencing difficulty in breathing.


