「元法相依頼でデータ削除」 疑惑報道後、業者の供述調書―案里被告公判・東京地裁
Man Unveils Data Deletion Request from Ex-Justice Minister
A man engaged in an internet-related business has said that former Japanese Justice Minister Katsuyuki Kawai requested the complete deletion of personal computer data shortly after an alleged vote-buying scandal involving him and his wife, Anri, came to light last year.
According to the man's confession statement read out by prosecutors in a hearing of Anri's trial at Tokyo District Court on Monday, Katsuyuki, 57, a lawmaker of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament, met with the man at the former minister's residence in a dormitory for Diet members in Tokyo on Nov. 3 last year.
At the time, Katsuyuki told the man that the staff of his office may have sneaked some data out and that he wanted to delete data that could cause a problem if they are leaked, the man said in the statement.
On that day, Katsuyuki allegedly deleted PC data at his residence using data deletion software purchased by the man, according to the statement. The man also said he visited Katsuyuki's office in Tokyo and the couple's offices in Hiroshima Prefecture, western Japan, toward the following day to delete PC data there.
Katsuyuki and Anri, 46, are suspected of distributing cash mainly to mayors and local assembly members in Hiroshima to round up votes for Anri in the July 2019 election for the House of Councillors, the upper Diet chamber, in violation of the public offices election law.