クニオ・ナカムラ氏死去 日系2世のパラオ元大統領
三重県伊勢市出身の父とパラオ人の母を持つ日系2世。上院議員、副大統領を経て1993年1月に大統領就任。2001年まで約8年務めた。94年には、米国の信託統治領からの独立を果たした。レメンゲサウ大統領は声明で「われわれの伝統やアイデンティティーを失わないよう細心の注意を払い、国造りを支えた」と功績をたたえた。 (時事)(2020/10/15-09:21)
Ex-Palauan Pres. Kuniwo Nakamura Dies at 76
Kuniwo Nakamura, former president of Palau and a second-generation Japanese-Palauan, died on Wednesday at the age of 76, according to the Palauan government.
The cause of his death and other details are unknown.
Nakamura was born to a father from the city of Ise, Mie Prefecture, central Japan, and a Palauan mother. After serving as vice president of Palau, he assumed the presidency in January 1993. He served as president for around eight years until 2001. The small Pacific country, which had been a U.S. trust territory, gained independence in 1994.
In a statement, incumbent Palauan President Thomas Remengesau praised Nakamura's achievements, saying, "He helped build this nation into what it is today, taking great care in keeping our heritage and our identity intact."