2020.10.14 22:18Nation
菅首相、靖国参拝見送り 17日からの秋季例大祭
2020.10.14 22:18Nation
Suga to Skip Yasukuni Visit during Autumn Festival
Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga has decided not to visit war-related Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo during its autumn festival from Saturday, informed sources said Wednesday.
Suga is expected to make a ritual "masakaki" tree offering as former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe did. Suga took over the top government post from Abe last month.
China and South Korea regard the Shinto shrine, which honors the war dead including convicted war criminals, as a symbol of Japan's past militarism.
Both Beijing and Seoul have expressed strong opposition to visits to the shrine by key Japanese officials, including the prime minister and the chief cabinet secretary.
Suga did not visit the shrine during his tenure as chief cabinet secretary, the post he held until he became prime minister.