2020.10.06 11:35Nation

臨時国会、26日召集 12月上旬まで―政府・与党


2020.10.06 11:35Nation

Japan Extra Diet Session to Be Convened Oct. 26

An extraordinary session of the Diet, Japan's parliament, will be convened Oct. 26 for a run until early December, Liberal Democratic Party Secretary-General Toshihiro Nikai said Tuesday.
   During the session, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga will give his first policy speech since taking office last month. The Diet will have full-scale debates mainly during the question-and-answer periods and at the two chambers' budget committees.
   The opposition camp is set to grill Suga over the government's refusal of the appointments of six of the 105 nominees to the Science Council of Japan, a special organization at the Cabinet Office.
   The government and the ruling camp plan to submit about 10 sets of bills including ones to approve Japan's new trade agreement with Britain and compensate for possible negative side effects of novel coronavirus vaccines.
   At a press conference, Nikai stressed, "This will be the first full-scale Diet deliberations since the current cabinet was formed, so we want to enact the bills to practice politics for the country."


