2020.09.28 16:11Nation

聖火リレーは日数、ルート踏襲 五輪は3月25日、福島から


2020.09.28 16:11Nation

New Olympic Torch Relay to Start in March from Fukushima

The torch relay for the postponed Tokyo Olympics will start on March 25 next year from disaster-hit Fukushima Prefecture, the Tokyo Games organizing committee said Monday.
   The organizers released the outline of the event, which was delayed in line with the one-year postponement of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games to summer next year due to the coronavirus pandemic.
   The relay will start from the J-Village national soccer center in Fukushima, one of the northeastern Japan prefectures hit hardest by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. The flame will travel to all of Japan's 47 prefectures for 121 days to July 23, when the opening ceremony will be held at the new National Stadium in Tokyo.
   The new schedule was made to replicate this year's, over the same number of days, beginning a day earlier but on the same day of the week.
   The flame will travel in the same 859 municipalities in principle and the route is also expected to be kept intact.


