2020.09.28 12:25Nation

自殺防止、相談窓口活用を 加藤官房長官


2020.09.28 12:25Nation

Japan Govt Calls for Use of Suicide Prevention Hotlines

Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato on Monday encouraged the use of suicide prevention hotlines as the number of suicides is rising in Japan.
   The suicide number is on a rising trend since July, Kato told a news conference, regarding the recent suicides of Japanese celebrities.
   On Sunday, actress Yuko Takeuchi was found dead in a suspected suicide. Actress Sei Ashina and actor Haruma Miura also died in apparent suicides, earlier this month and in July, respectively.
   "Many people are taking their own precious lives. We must accept the reality," Kato emphasized, recommending the use of consultation services available including via social media.


