万博、日本全体で機運醸成 大阪知事らと意見交換―井上担当相
New Japan Minister Visits 2025 World Expo Site
Shinji Inoue, Japanese minister for the 2025 World Expo, on Sunday visited Yumeshima, an artificial island in Osaka Prefecture, western Japan, where the event is set to take place.
This was Inoue's first visit to the island since he assumed the ministerial post earlier this month.
Later in the day, Inoue held a meeting with Osaka Governor Hirofumi Yoshimura and Ichiro Matsui, mayor of the city of Osaka, the capital of the prefecture. They agree on the importance of Japan making nationwide efforts to boost the momentum for the World Expo and demonstrating the country's cutting-edge technologies to the world.
"The expo is a national project that should be pushed by the whole country, and we must promote Japan's sophisticated technologies to the world," Inoue said.
Yoshimura and Matsui called for extensive deregulation, having in mind plans including one to conduct a flight of a flying car carrying humans at the expo venue during the event.