2020.09.10 20:42Nation

「GoTo」東京は来月から コロナ分科会、11日に議論

 政府は10日、観光支援事業「Go To トラベル」キャンペーンの対象に東京都発着分を追加する方向で最終調整に入った。11日に開く新型コロナウイルス感染症対策分科会で、専門家からの意見を聴いた上で決定する。10月1日から対象とする案を軸に検討する。
 政府は11日に有識者による新型コロナ分科会を開き、イベント開催の制限緩和と併せ、「Go To トラベル」について議論する。ただ感染症専門家の間では、東京追加による移動の活発化で感染が拡大しかねないと懸念する声も根強く、異論が出る可能性もある。(2020/09/10-20:42)

2020.09.10 20:42Nation

Japan to Include Tokyo in Go To Travel Program in Oct.

The Japanese government is considering including trips to and from Tokyo in its Go To Travel tourism promotion scheme from Oct. 1, informed sources said Thursday.
   The government is expected to adopt Tokyo's inclusion at a meeting on Friday after hearing opinions from experts, according to the sources.
   In July, the government launched the Go To Travel campaign to support the tourism industry hit by the COVID-19 pandemic through state-subsidized discounts on travel costs. But trips from and to Tokyo were excluded due to a spike in infections in the capital.
   On Thursday, the Tokyo metropolitan government lowered its coronavirus alert by one notch to the second-highest level of the four-tier warning system as new cases have been on a declining trend.
   While some government officials are calling for the Go To Travel campaign to cover trips from and to Tokyo from Sept. 19, the first day of the country's four-day holiday period, the travel industry is concerned about a possible fall in demand after the holidays.


