2020.09.10 13:32Nation

震災で考案、5年備蓄ゼリー 「避難者食べやすく長持ち」―宮城の企業、導入広がる

 宮城県多賀城市の「ワンテーブル」が開発したゼリータイプの備蓄食「LIFE STOCK(ライフストック)」。水分と糖分が取れ、調理せずに食べられる。食物繊維入りのアップル&キャロット味は避難生活中の栄養バランスを整える。洋ナシ、グレープ味は1個約200キロカロリーで、体力消耗時のエネルギー補給用だ。

2020.09.10 13:32Nation

Emergency Food Developed in Disaster-Hit Area Drawing Demand

A company in northeastern Japan is enjoying increasing demand for jelly-type emergency food it developed based on input from people hit by the March 2011 disaster.
   An increasing number of municipalities are beginning to stockpile the jelly packs, which last for over five years in room temperature, so that they can provide them to children and elderly people at evacuation centers in the event of emergency.
   The products, named Life Stock, were developed by Onetable Inc., based in Tagajo, Miyagi Prefecture, one of the three prefectures in the Tohoku region hit hardest by the earthquake and tsunami disaster.
   The products are also considered good for use as emergency supplies during floods and other rain-caused disasters, which have occurred frequently in the country in recent years.
   The products, which do not require cooking, are designed to help people stay hydrated and take in sugar. One of their two types, with an apple and carrot flavor, is nutritionally balanced, while the other, which comes in grape and pear flavors, gives an energy boost with some 200 kilocalories per pack.


