2020.09.10 20:19Nation

合流新党代表に枝野氏 党名「立憲民主」、15日結党


2020.09.10 20:19Nation

Edano Elected Leader of New Opposition Party

Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan head Yukio Edano was elected on Thursday the first leader of the new party to be created through the merger of the CDPJ and the Democratic Party for the People.
   Edano, 56, beat DPFP policy chief Kenta Izumi, 46, winning a two-year term until September 2022.
   Also on Thursday, a decision was made to name the new party "Rikkenminshuto," the same as the CDPJ's Japanese name.
   The new party will hold its inaugural convention Tuesday, marking the launch of a major opposition force with 149 lawmakers.
   Edano will ramp up preparations for a possible snap election for the House of Representatives because the soon-to-be-elected new prime minister could dissolve the all-important lower chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament, in the near future.


